Numerous companies trust Salesforce CRM to maintain their workflow visibility, optimize processes, utilize the latest tools and advancements, sales and services enablements, etc., for continuously evolving their business at this competitive edge.

As Salesforce aids companies in collaborating on a large amount of data, workflows, and various pages, sometimes this affects the Salesforce Org Performance and load time, fueling frustrations to clients and adding friction to their work operations.

So, monitoring and improving the Salesforce Org Performance is a significant aspect while working on Salesforce CRM. 7 out of 10 enterprises are facing page load speed and performance issues resulting drain of business resources at a fast rate.

In this article, we’ll discuss how we can measure Salesforce Performance and the challenges in Salesforce Performance.

Ways to measure Salesforce Org Performance

Thousand of users leverage the exclusive advancements of Salesforce CRM for their ongoing businesses and corporate companies. So, if the Salesforce performance is not up to the mark, then your business too. One should consider the best testing strategies while analyzing their Salesforce Org Performance to evaluate its performance and scalability efficiently.

Here are some ways to measure your Salesforce Org Performance:

  1. Plan Your Performance Test and Identify Key Personas
  2. Set up and run your performance test.

Plan Your Performance Test and Identify Key Personas

That starting point is your benchmark. For benchmarking, set up your Salesforce sandbox to analyze and identify the key personas. To analyze, keep these points to consider –

  • Design a road map to assess your existing systems, defining the Salesforce users and features. While evaluating each system, consider attributes such as peak load levels, average load levels, user arrival rates, login rates, page views, feature use, etc.
  • Event monitoring is the most helpful step while calculating the metrics such as API calls, XML, HTTP requests, etc. while evaluating your system in RPS.
  • Assess your data (size, shape, users, feeds) and include any complex connection among your objects, role hierarchies, and sharing rules in your sandbox Org.

Set up and run your performance test

Before testing your Salesforce Org, follow identical hardware and network conditions as your users and estimate your browser’s octane score and network latency. After that, you should develop tests to evaluate your key personnel, data loading, and network.

These tests will help you define test components, metrics, and evaluation scope per your requirements. Using Performance Assistant will guide you through the process of designing, executing, and analyzing these tests. After regular intervals, analyze the results and fix the occurring issues.

Salesforce Org Performance is measured in EPT (Experienced Page Time). You can measure EPT in 4 ways:

  • Adding an EPT counter to your app’s header will help you to track EPT.
  • You can view the page and browser’s performance using the Lightning Usage App.
  • Utilize Lightning Usage App objects to create a custom report.
  • To monitor performance using event types, use the Event Monitoring Analytics App.

You can add EPT Counter in Salesforce by following these two ways:

  • During setup, enable debugging for Lightning Components.
  • A string can be appended to your app or page URL.
Dashboard - EPT



Append ?eptVisible=1 to the URL -> Hit ‘Enter’

Salesforce EPT Dashboard


Salesforce EPT Counter Dashboard



5 common challenges in Salesforce Performance

Low-Quality Bandwidth

SaaS applications like Salesforce are heavyweight applications that utilize higher quality bandwidth. So, to remove this problem, the IT team naturally invests more in bandwidth. But instead of investing extra in bandwidth, enterprises should look into their Salesforce CRM performance status and should find the reason behind the whole scenario.

Third-party Plugin Usage

Any customer leveraging plugins for transferring a large amount of data should have sound knowledge of measuring plugin usage and how these plugins impact their Salesforce performance. When choosing these third-party plugins, one should not, only consider their features but also their performance impact, as these plugins utilize Salesforce to facilitate marketing, sales, lead sourcing, and accounting capabilities.

Competent Caching

SaaS application Salesforce includes many CSS and JavaScript files and furnishes a rich experience to people compared to desktop applications. Whenever you experience packet loss, you struggle to download the files because each page has a defined size. However, if you enable caching on your network and create a cached derivative, you’ll be able to provide your customers with a better service.

Salesforce Performance Usage Demographics



Recreational Traffic Effects

Employees in your workforce use their mobile devices, tablets, etc., with local wireless networks in your enterprise, consuming its bandwidth capacity resulting shortage of resources utilized by Salesforce. By dedicating a separate bandwidth to the guest network, you can control the usage by different devices.

Technical Debt

Technical debt plays a vital role in affecting page load speed and your Salesforce performance. This technical debt includes Apex code, unused files, process builders, and old workarounds.

Why Melonleaf?

Utilize your Salesforce with innovative, customized solutions per your requirements, delivered by Melonleaf. We are the leading Salesforce experts specializing in Salesforce Consulting, Implementation, Integration, CRM Migration, and Salesforce Development.

Improve your business productivity and maximize revenue generation. Contact our Salesforce Consultant to learn more.

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